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National Highway Authority (NHA) Ministry of Communication Vacancies 2023

There are available a number of National Highway Authority (NHA) Ministry of Communication Vacancies 2023 BPS-05 to BPS-18. The Latest Vacancies in National Highway Government of Pakistan Ministry of Communication announces various vacancies in the National Highway authority.  National Highway authorities provide employment opportunities on a contract basis of for two years.  All the experienced and competent candidates having relevant qualifications and experience according to the post may apply.

Contracts Base BPS-05 to BPS-18 National Highway Authority (NHA) Vacancies 2023
National Highway Authority Pakistan is hiring more staff for the completion of many of the upcoming projects. For this purpose, it invites applications from all Pakistani Nationals. For the completion of these development projects related to highways to connect the cities vigilant and well-experienced staff are needed. These are long-term development projects so staff must be skillful and talented to complete the task without risk.

Detail Summary of Each Post

Candidates can apply for more than one of the following posts according to their qualifications and experience:


Sr. noName of PostBasic Pay ScaleQualification.No.of PostsAge Limit
1Deputy DirectorBPS-18BSc.Civil-II

7-years experience in Relevant Field






2Deputy Director LM and ISBPS-18LLM


3Assistant Director EngineerBPS-17BSc Civil 1st Class in relevant Field3335-years
4Assistant Director LM and ISBPS-17LLB0335-years

With Patwari Course

6PatwariBPS-05Matric with Patwari Course18

General Conditions for NHA Jobs


  1. All the above-mentioned vacant posts will be filled on a standard pay package for Project Staff along with the other terms and conditions approved by Finance Division Regulation Wing.
  2. The project employees will be appointed on a contract basis for an initial period of two years. the department can extend this contract on the basis of their performance.
  3. The department is providing age relaxation as per federal government instructions.
  4. Applicants must have relevant qualifications and experience according to each post they are going to apply.
  5. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview. The department will not pay any traveling allowance to them.
  6. Candidates must submit an online application and a hard form of application. The art form of application without online application is not acceptable.
  7. All willing candidates who are going to apply must mention the post for which they are applying at the right corner of the envelope when they send their application in case of applying for more than one post.
  8. candidates must apply within 15 days of application of that advertisement.
  9. candidates can apply online via


National Highway Authority (NHA) Ministry of Communication Vacancies 2023

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